Incomming goods inspection and landfill supervision

Ideally waste can be recycled. In many cases, landfilling is ultimately used if this is not possible. Eco consultants provide comprehensive incoming inspection and landfill supervision services to ease the burden on landfill operators regarding their obligation to monitor and check.
Not all waste is the same – and not all waste can automatically be sent to landfill. In the planning and construction of landfill sites, environmental parameters play a major role and require comprehensive technical expertise and a great deal of legal understanding. So the work of environmental consultants begins even before a landfill site is created. Thanks to a high degree of acceptance by the authorities, our range of services extends from compiling the submission documents, preparing field surveys, recording the groundwater situation, etc. to a quick and straightforward approval procedure. Our job is only done when your landfill site is operational and fully functional.
In addition to this planning and approval function, we offer the entire spectrum of all necessary monitoring and checking procedures during operation which significantly lightens the workload of operators and authorities. This service starts with incoming goods of the waste to be deposited and performing identity checks. It extends to communication and support for official checks as part of periodic environmental inspections and assuming the function of the officially appointed landfill supervisory body. As highly skilled environmental analysts, we also use emission controls (leachate, landfill gas, etc.) to ensure legally compliant operation of your landfill site.