Construction Industry
and Property

When setting up new business locations and developing residential and office projects, the risk of any existing pollution due to soil contamination or the level of pollutants in the building fabric is an unpleasant burden.
Eco consultants provide both property developers and companies with detailed analyses in advance to clarify the nature of real estate and buildings.
Environmental aspects in the construction industry and property development relate to both real estate and buildings. In both areas, it is necessary to comply with legal framework conditions and to obtain the greatest possible degree of security as an entrepreneur or property developer. Essential issues such as protection of workers or local residents, as well as the protection of future tenants and owners, may become critical at a much later date if there is insufficient preparation.
On the one hand, Eco consultants will assist you with investigation of the real estate. Based on Austrian Standard S2088 (Fundamentals of Real Estate Investigation), before purchasing land we check whether there are any risks that could delay or completely challenge the implementation of your project. For this, we take samples and prepare expert opinions. Not only is this absolutely to be recommended, especially on previously polluted real estate such as industrial sites, but above all it is the client’s duty. Another essential point is the soil excavation assessment, which checks the quality of the excavated material. Excavated material can only be recycled or send to landfill if the requirements of the Federal Waste Management Plan (BAWP) and the Landfill Ordinance are met.
In another area of focus, we concentrate on the building itself by investigating harmful substances and compiling a pollutant cadastre. The statutory basis for this is the Recycling of Building Materials Ordinance and the detailed standards Austrian Standard B3151 or Austrian Standard EN ISO 16000-32. If the building substance is correspondingly contaminated, we also create the obligatory demolition concept which records the technological implementation of redevelopment and recovery-oriented demolition. We are accredited for the relevant services in accordance with the Recycling Building Materials Ordinance (including ÖNORM B3151 and ÖN EN ISO 16000-32). The accreditation notice from the Umweltkonsulenten and the scope of accreditation can be viewed under the “Company” tab.
Based on clients needs we also perform Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) – phase I or phase II – oriented on US-EPA-standards.